Tuesday changed my perspective of what an orphan is--and what caring for them means. I used to think caring for orphans meant holding babies at an orphanage, or poor street kids in Africa taking care of their younger siblings. Yes, these are orphans and
we must care for them--but God showed me Tuesday that there are orphans here, within miles, that are deprived of their parent's love, hugs, stability, security. A
man named Scott showed me that. Let me explain...
A precious girl from the youth group called me the other night, afraid and in need of help. She was in a bad situation and with people she was really butting heads with. She pleaded for me to pick her up, before she did something she regretted, so I went over there as soon as I could. She was staying with a group of people, all over 20, in a small apartment. When I went to pick her up she was standing outside with all of her stuff. Another guy was standing and waiting with her. As we got ready to go, I started talking to the other guy, Scott, asking him if he was okay and if he needed anything. Eventually I just asked if I could pray with him, there wasn't much I could do at that point to help his situation. I crouched down beside him and began to pray. As I was praying, I sensed God's love and compassion for him--the tangible Father's love...that comforts, brings peace, direction, security... I realized he had none of that. He was broken, rejected, hurt, uncared for and because of it he was like a lost puppy-no direction, no love, alone.
God gave me the revelation that when he says, "...[D]efend the cause of the fatherless..." in Isaiah 1:17 he meant Scott. And others like him. To yes, care for babies who are left abandoned, and also the "grown ups" with no love. The ones separated from their own fathers (maybe even by their own doing) who are wounded and unloved.
I was adopted by Christ. Christ chose to adopt me and love me in my sin.
May that reality compel me to love the orphans, however old or young, big or small, nice or mean they may be.
I will not leave you as orphans. I will come to you.
-John 14:18